ecs chaos monkey
i always wanted to create chaos monkey to see how our system behaves if something suddenly goes down. i decided to create simple functions in python using boto3 and deploy it using serverless framework.
monitor cloudformation api calls with cloudwatch events
recently, i’ve run into an issue: one of my colleagues removed CloudFormation stack because he’d thought it had no longer been used, and long story short, it gave us some trouble. i started to wonder if there was any way to somehow monitor CloudFormation stacks and then i remembered that CloudTrail stores all AWS API events, CloudFormation ones as well.
update ecs service with lambda
sometime ago i was wondering how to get rid of some really old bash scripts that we were using to update ecs service. i had an idea to use AWS Lambda along with AWS EventBridge.
dockerized jenkins with terraform
recently i started using terraform instead of AWS Cloudformation for private projects and messing around. i find it easier to use, it’s looking simpler for non-infra people, documentation is really slick and community is big. ah, and their website is freakin damn cool!
working with minikube
recently i took a look at minikube. at work i use ecs and tbh i just simply never worked with k8s so i wanted to give it a try.